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Nursery (Birth - 12 Months):

Our goal is to provide a joyful and clean environment so that each child may feel happy and loved and parents feel comfortable to leave their most precious possession in order to worship the Lord without distraction.


Upon entering the nursery, you will be asked to sign in your child. You will then be given a pager. If your child is in need of you, we will page you. The pager vibrates to alert you that you are needed in the nursery. 


Our nursery is staffed with three to four adult caregivers. The nursery area is separated from the sign in area with a gate. Only assigned caregivers and signed in children are allowed in the other side of the gate. The only exception to this policy is for a  nursing mother or a parent who is comforting their child. 


The nursery is available during each Sunday service.

Toddler Zone (1 - 2 1/2 years old) & Beginner Zone (2 1/2 - 4 years old):

The preschool ministry of The Home Church exists to provide a secure, nurturing environment for pre-schoolers where Biblical truths are taught as a foundation for salvation and Christian living.


Regardless of your child’s age, he will be taught of God’s love through words, songs, Bible verses, hands-on activities, and lessons. We also want to partner with parents - the job of training and teaching children is an awesome one, and we hope to be a help by providing information and support to your family.


Our objectives are this, that preschoolers will associate God and church with happy feelings and that each child will believe that God loves her and all people. That they will know that Jesus was born, grew, had a family, and was a special person. Also that preschoolers will know that the Bible is a special book which tells us about Jesus.


Toddler Zone and Beginner Zone are available during each Sunday service.

K - 5th Grade:

Parents know and care for their children better than anyone, and are given the responsibility from God to be the spiritual leaders. We know that parents desire quality biblical teaching, care and support from the local church.


Our philosophy is that children are becoming sensitive to God and have the ability to memorize and obey God’s Word. They are the future leaders of God’s church and they need adults who love them and are examples of Jesus. 


Our goal is for every child to receive salvation, then to begin their spiritual growth and develop in godly character. Here are ways that we can help you and your family:


Sundays: 9:30am - Sunday School

  • Gender and age separated

  • Caring teachers chosen with prayer

  • Small group atmosphere

  • Promotes biblical character 


Sundays: 10:30am - "Home Zone" (K-2nd) & "Home Grown" (3rd-5th)

  • Enthusiastic time of songs, skits, object lessons and games

  • Age and gender integrated

  • Creative Bible Teaching

  • Quality, Caring Leaders


Wednesdays: 6:45pm - Home Base Kids Club

  • Solid learning that reinforces what your child learns at church

  • Bible memorization, learning activities, crafts and games

  • Small Groups with a consistent leader who gets to know each child

Inner City Bus:

For over 30 years, The Home Church has been picking up children from the San Joaquin County area and bringing them to a place where their lives can be changed by the Gospel. The bus ministry continues its mission through the love and faithfulness of godly men and women. If you need a ride to church please call us at

(209) 339-7333 and we will do our best to get you here.


Myles & Jessica McAntosh
Children's Co-Directors

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